Ok folks… we have our 1st “NO SHOW” for the 2023 year. Customer called, scheduled a trail ride and did not show up for the ride.
Last year (2022) we had plenty of “NO SHOWS” and for 2023, it is already starting. It’s very frustrating when we work to groom and saddle horses to have them ready along with a guide horse and someone who schedule a trail ride with us doesn’t even bother to come ride. Not only the work involved, but also the fact that I have turned down other people who want to ride but can’t offer them a time to ride because our schedule is full and there are no available ride times.
We do keep a list of “NO SHOWS” so when they call again to schedule a trail ride, they have been required to pay a 25% non-refundable deposit to be placed on our schedule. This year, I am immediately placing a new policy in effect for “NO SHOWS” and that is that anyone from the past or the present who was/is a “NO SHOW” shall be required to pay a 100% non-refundable deposit at time of scheduling a trail ride with us.
This policy for “NO SHOWS” stands firm whether you agree or not.

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